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 DECEPTION: HAVE THE ELECT BEEN DECEIVED? By Alan Yusko The answer to the question in the title of this post is ... yes you are deceived. Indeed, many who call themselves saved have been deceived in these very last days. Look at these verses: Matthew 24 kjv 24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” Mark 13 kjv 22 “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.” Now what do I mean that many of the elect, the saved have been deceived? Sadly, many have fallen for satan's corrupted and perverted false modern bibles. They have fallen away from the pure word of God in the kjv. The deceived read, quote, and use bibles based on corrupted documents and claim they are more up-to-date that the kjv. This is the deception of the devil. You see the kjv is both imspired and preserved b...
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 RAPTURE AND WAR IS COMING By Alan Yusko The rapture is coming very soon. The events of the coming 7 year time of jacobs trouble are now being setup and can be seen today. The 7 year time of jacobs trouble is now casting shadows upon the earth. This period is commonly referred to as the "tribulation period". Anyone can see it coming if they look. In fact the wrath of God starts with 7 seals and they can be seen being setup and ready to go now. The fact is the judgment of the Lord is coming soon. Guess what? The saved are not in darkness and we will be able to see that day of the Lord coming. See below: 1 Thessalonians 5  kjv 4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Today, many who are saved and love the Lord are saying the Lord Jesus is coming back real soon. We are aware that the Lord Jesus will return soon to rapture home His saved church. The saved warn people that time is short and judgment is coming. As a result the lost mo...


 KJV BIBLE: PROBLEMS IF YOU DO NOT USE IT By Alan Yusko The KJV bible is the true word of God and it is based on the textus receptus. It is the pure word of God. Yet many today claim to be "christians" yet they want nothing to do with the KJV bible. So instead they quote and use the many perverted and corrupted bibles which are based on corrupted documents. The KJV is the only bible that uses the textus receptus. The other fake bibles use corrupted documents. Here are some corrupt documents the perverted bibles are based on: Vatican documents, Wescott and Hort, the Alexdandrian, and Codex Sinaiticus. None of these are in the kjv. This is why the kjv is so different from the bible perversions. So why would a person use a perverted bible? People not only use perverted bibles but they attack the KJV and the people who use it. They have been deceived by satan. Therefore I claim if you are not using the KJV bible then you have problems in your relationship with the Lord. You have ...


 FIRES IN CANADA By Alan Yusko Lately there have been many fires that suddenly broke out in canada. They generated much smoke which flowed down to several cities in the usa. Their skies went dark red and the air was toxic. Ultimately, the Lord allowed this to happen. The cause many believe is arson set by the govt or by arson ecco terrorists. But no matter how the fires started, it did. I think there is a spiritual application to all these fires and the smoke stink generated by the fires. Look at this verse in the kjv Proverbs 14 34 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” The fires generated much smoke which tormented the people of the usa. Their skies went dark red and they could smell the toxic air from canada. This could be likened to the sin of canada. You see canada is a godless and evil nation that has rejected God, the Bible, and the Lord Jesus. The usa got a wiff of the stink of the sin smell of canada with these forest fires. I'm not saying ...


 MANY APOSTATES: TEST, COULD YOU BE ONE? By Alan Yusko In these last days there are many doctrine rejecting apostates. This is a test to see if YOU may be going astray so you can take action to fix things. One characteristic of apostates is they reject sound bible doctrine. 2 Timothy 4 kjv 3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” Here are some of the doctrines they deny or reject. - Salvation by grace alone, by faith alone, in the Lord Jesus alone. Salvation is totally free apart from any works we can do. Heretics and false religions deny this. - Salvation can be lost heresy. This means these heretics believe if you do not do enough good works to maintain salvation, you will lose it. Other heretics believe salvation is a process and not a one time event. Ones works depends if one is saved or not, they teach. - The doctrine of the Trinity. There is only one God who exis...


 DEFENCE OF THE KJV BIBLE By Alan Yusko In these last days the Word of God is under attack. The KJV bible was translated using the best documents, the testus receptus. Satan came up with a way to attack the pure Word of God found in the KJV bible. He grabbed a bunch of corrupted documents like wescott and hort which pervert the greek. Other corrupted documents were also used. The result was all the modern versions of the bible found today. They are not accurate but are perversions based on corrupted documents. So why would anyone use them? Why would anyone defend them? They have been deceived. Now Satans decception was so strong that many professing christians and pastors use the perverted bibles and want nothing to do with the KJV bible. In fact they are so blinded that they get angry if you tell them not to use a perverted bible. Much abuse/insults is given to those who love the pure Word of God found in the KJV. This is very sad and it shows the apostasy in the church in these l...


 A LEFT BEHIND LETTER: FOR THOSE AFTER THE RAPTURE By Alan Yusko Hi, the rapture has happened on earth and some have been taken. They did not die but were taken by the Lord Jesus up to heaven. You did not go because you are not saved or born again... yet. Here is the verse in the bible that talks about the rapture that has just happened: 1 Thess 4 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words. This describes the rapture that has happened. Notice verse 17 that says we (the saved) which are alive and remain ...


 MOCKERS/SCOFFERS VS BIBLE DOCTRINE By Alan Yusko In these very last of days there are many lost mockers out there. They deny many solid bible doctrines with their lies and deception. Here are the main doctrines they deny and mock: The pre tribulation rapture, The Trinity, Salvation by faith alone in the Lord Jesus... apart from works, no eternal torment in the lake of fire, they think salvation can be lost, and the kjv bible. These last day mockers and deceivers hate solid bible doctrine and do all in their power to mock and deny the bible. They also do not listen and cannot be corrected. Satan has his children and these last day doctrine mockers belong to him. They are here to confuse and condemn people to hell if they can. If a person looking into the gospel runs into one of these mockers, they may turn away from the gospel. But be assured, the Lord will see to it that all are convicted of sin so that none are without excuse. The mockers have one common characteristic in that th...


 ABANDONMENT WRATH IS HERE By Alan Yusko Just look around at what is going on in this lost world. Depravity and perversion is normal whereas standing for good and the Lord is considered evil. Here is a good verse that describes these days: Isaiah 5 20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” How did things get this bad on earth? In days past society seemed to have some Godly morals where good was good and evil was evil. What changed to get to these current depraved and evil days? The simple answer is God and His Word has been utterly rejected. God has been kicked out of our society, our schools, and the majority of peoples lives. Right now the world is facing the abandonmnet wrath of God. This means they have rejected the Lord, and the Lord has rejected them. The Lord then gave the people over to their sin and they developed reprobate sinful minds. This did not happen ov...


 COVENANT OF DEATH AND HELL VS PEACE TREATY By Alan Yusko So many are confused with bible prophecy. After the rapture the antichrist is free to rise to power. He will come and be received by Israel as their messiah. He is their false messiah as they rejected their real one, the Lord Jesus. The he will confirm a 7 year covenant with Israel which starts up the 7 year time of jacobs trouble. This when the wrath and judgment from God is poured our upon the earth. Yet, sadly, many say this.. The antichrist will confirm a "peace treaty" with Israel. Now where did they get "peace treaty' from? Certainly not the bible as there is not one verse that say he confirms a 7 year peace treaty with the andtichrist. It is a very popular saying with nothing to do with the bible. Here is what the bible says about that 7 year covenant. It is a covenant of death and hell. see this verse: Isaiah 28 18 “And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall n...


 24 ELDERS: THE RAPTURED, RESURRECTED, AND GLORIFIED CHURCH By Alan Yusko Have you ever read Revelation 4 and wondered who the 24 elders are? Here we will show they are the saved and glorified church in heaven after the rapture. To do that we look at 5 charistics of the 24 elders proving that they are the saved church. In Rev 2,3 the Lord Jesus gives the saved several promises. We will see that the 24 elders have those promises. Here are the 5 promises given and received by the 24 elders in Rev 4, 5. 1. ELDERS, KINGS, PRIESTS In Rev 4,5 we can see the 24 elders are called elders, kings, and priests before God. First they are called elders in this verse:   Revelation 4: 4 And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. Next we see they are also called kings and priests before God. See this verse: Revelation 5: 10 “And hast made us unto our God ki...


 PRIESTS BEFORE THE LORD By Alan Yusko Are you redeemed? Are you saved, born again, a new creature in the Lord Jesus Christ? If so then here is some very good news for you. Did you know you are a priest before God? Its true. Look at this verse: Revelation 5: 10 “And hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” This verse says the saved are kings and priests before God. Now as kings we hae nothing to rule in this world. That comes later after the Lord Jesus returns physically to earth. However, right now you are a priest before God. As a priest you can pray and His ears are open to your prayers. This also gives everyone who is saved a minstry before God. When you see a need in this evil lost world, then pray to the Lord about it. In doing so the Lord hears your prayer and can choose to do things as a result of your prestly prayer. Here is another verse: Philippians 4: 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thank...


LAST DAY MOCKERS AND SCOFFERS by Alan Yusko Here we will look at the many mockers and deceivers out there. They reject sound bible doctrine. We will focus mainly on those who mock and reject doctrines related to the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus. 2 Peter 3 3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: We live in the very last of the last days before the return of the Lord Jesus. All around mockers can be seen. Their favorite form of mocking is to deny and mock the pre trib rapture of the saved church. Here we will look at what the bible says about these mockers of bible prophecy and the return of the Lord Jesus. Let me define terms. ...


 BORN AGAIN: NOT BY WATER by Alan Yusko Many are confused by this verse because they do not know that water baptism has no part in salvation. Here is the verse...(5) John 3: 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. 4 Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born? 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Nicodemous was curious.. He wondered how a person could be born again.. One cannnot re-enter the womb to be born again... Some are mistaken when they read John 3:5. They think that being born of water is water baptism. Sadly, I have heard people make that foolish claim. So let me explain this verse. This verse is speaking of the 2 births available to mankind. The first is born by water. This is human birth. We all ...


 WICKED: TO BE DESTROYED FOREVER By Alan Yusko On earth the wicked are everywhere. These lost souls have rejected repentance and salvation. They have rejected the Lord Jesus and salvation that is freely offered. Just look at the below verse: Psalms 92:7 “When the wicked spring as the grass, and when all the workers of iniquity do flourish; it is that they shall be destroyed for ever:” There is coming a day when the wicked on earth will spring forth as the grass. And the wicked will flouish on earth in their wickedness. Well, today that has happened on the earth. The lost and wicked are everywhere. They have control of politics around the world. And they work together to destroy this current system and bring to pass a reset so satans antichrist kingdom can be setup. The wicked are also trying to kill off most of humanity. They feel they have the right to do just that. The wicked also control entertainment in music, tv, and movies. They push sodomy, trannyisms, turning children into ...