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The grim reaper set out on a mission. He went to a home in a certain city. He then knocked on the door. He heard:

WOMANT: I'm coming

The woman answered the door and said when she saw the reaper. He was dressed in a black robe and held a sickle with his right hand.

WOMAN: uh hello. What do you want. You should be down the street at the unvaxed home. Nothing for you here. I had my covid vaxes and all the boosters. So I am protected from covid and have along life ahead ot me.

The reaper tilted his head and said.

REAPER: Precisly. You were deceived and took covid shots that are a toxic bioweapon into your body. You were lied to. They said it was safe and effective. Actually, those shots are deadly and very effective at killing, maiming, and sterilizing people.
The woman looked up in the air as if she saw something very evil around her. She fell to the ground while still looking about. Her body began to convulse for a few minutes.Then she laid still... dead.

A neighbor saw the collapsed woman in her doorway and dialed 911. In about 15 minutes an ambulance arrived. They saw the woman was dead. She was loaded upon a stretcher and placed a white sheet over her body. Then it was off to the coroner.

The coroner received the body and placed it with all the others. The coroner was very busy these days.  It was not long before she was released to a funeral home for further and final processing.

The family had requesed the funeral home for an open casket funeral. So the lady was given over to the embalmer to do his job.

The embalmer made 2 cuts in her veins. One to pump in the embalming fluid and 1 cut to drain the blood. He hooked up the pump and began to pump in embalming fluid. But he had a problem. The fluid would not go in as if something was in the veins blocking the incoming embalming fluid. The embalmer then made serval other cuts in veins and found 1 to 4 feet long white fiberous clots in the lady. He made several cuts and removed many clots in the veings. He wondered how she could live with this clogging her veins/arteries. He finally finished after much trouble.

Horrible things grow in the bodies of the vacinnated.

Have you also been deceived with the safe and effective deception. If so, soon the grim reaper will be coming your way.

the end.


  1. On November 8, 2024, the chief moderator of this site, Alan, was promoted to glory! He was called HOME to be with the Lord!

    When we meet again, it will be in heaven! We will surely miss him!


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