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Showing posts from June, 2023


 RAPTURE AND WAR IS COMING By Alan Yusko The rapture is coming very soon. The events of the coming 7 year time of jacobs trouble are now being setup and can be seen today. The 7 year time of jacobs trouble is now casting shadows upon the earth. This period is commonly referred to as the "tribulation period". Anyone can see it coming if they look. In fact the wrath of God starts with 7 seals and they can be seen being setup and ready to go now. The fact is the judgment of the Lord is coming soon. Guess what? The saved are not in darkness and we will be able to see that day of the Lord coming. See below: 1 Thessalonians 5  kjv 4 “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Today, many who are saved and love the Lord are saying the Lord Jesus is coming back real soon. We are aware that the Lord Jesus will return soon to rapture home His saved church. The saved warn people that time is short and judgment is coming. As a result the lost mo...


 KJV BIBLE: PROBLEMS IF YOU DO NOT USE IT By Alan Yusko The KJV bible is the true word of God and it is based on the textus receptus. It is the pure word of God. Yet many today claim to be "christians" yet they want nothing to do with the KJV bible. So instead they quote and use the many perverted and corrupted bibles which are based on corrupted documents. The KJV is the only bible that uses the textus receptus. The other fake bibles use corrupted documents. Here are some corrupt documents the perverted bibles are based on: Vatican documents, Wescott and Hort, the Alexdandrian, and Codex Sinaiticus. None of these are in the kjv. This is why the kjv is so different from the bible perversions. So why would a person use a perverted bible? People not only use perverted bibles but they attack the KJV and the people who use it. They have been deceived by satan. Therefore I claim if you are not using the KJV bible then you have problems in your relationship with the Lord. You have ...


 FIRES IN CANADA By Alan Yusko Lately there have been many fires that suddenly broke out in canada. They generated much smoke which flowed down to several cities in the usa. Their skies went dark red and the air was toxic. Ultimately, the Lord allowed this to happen. The cause many believe is arson set by the govt or by arson ecco terrorists. But no matter how the fires started, it did. I think there is a spiritual application to all these fires and the smoke stink generated by the fires. Look at this verse in the kjv Proverbs 14 34 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” The fires generated much smoke which tormented the people of the usa. Their skies went dark red and they could smell the toxic air from canada. This could be likened to the sin of canada. You see canada is a godless and evil nation that has rejected God, the Bible, and the Lord Jesus. The usa got a wiff of the stink of the sin smell of canada with these forest fires. I'm not saying ...


 MANY APOSTATES: TEST, COULD YOU BE ONE? By Alan Yusko In these last days there are many doctrine rejecting apostates. This is a test to see if YOU may be going astray so you can take action to fix things. One characteristic of apostates is they reject sound bible doctrine. 2 Timothy 4 kjv 3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” Here are some of the doctrines they deny or reject. - Salvation by grace alone, by faith alone, in the Lord Jesus alone. Salvation is totally free apart from any works we can do. Heretics and false religions deny this. - Salvation can be lost heresy. This means these heretics believe if you do not do enough good works to maintain salvation, you will lose it. Other heretics believe salvation is a process and not a one time event. Ones works depends if one is saved or not, they teach. - The doctrine of the Trinity. There is only one God who exis...