MOCKERS/SCOFFERS VS BIBLE DOCTRINE By Alan Yusko In these very last of days there are many lost mockers out there. They deny many solid bible doctrines with their lies and deception. Here are the main doctrines they deny and mock: The pre tribulation rapture, The Trinity, Salvation by faith alone in the Lord Jesus... apart from works, no eternal torment in the lake of fire, they think salvation can be lost, and the kjv bible. These last day mockers and deceivers hate solid bible doctrine and do all in their power to mock and deny the bible. They also do not listen and cannot be corrected. Satan has his children and these last day doctrine mockers belong to him. They are here to confuse and condemn people to hell if they can. If a person looking into the gospel runs into one of these mockers, they may turn away from the gospel. But be assured, the Lord will see to it that all are convicted of sin so that none are without excuse. The mockers have one common characteristic in that th...